According to a new study released by the National Institute of Health publication, Environmental Health Perspectives, Mesothelioma cases are underreported. In fact the study concluded that one out of every five Mesothelioma cases is never reported.
In the study, researchers looked at the relationship between the use of Asbestos between 1920-1970 and deaths from Mesothelioma between 1994-2008. There were 89 countries included in the study and combined, they used over 65 million tons of Asbestos from 1920-1970. Russia, Japan, the Unites States, United Kingdom and Germany were the leaders in Asbestos use.
The study also indicated that the countries that use substantial amounts of Asbestos have the most unreported cases. A few of these countries include China, Kazakhstan and Russia.
The researchers in the study recommended that all countries should ban the use of Asbestos, which would include mining and export of the hazardous material. In addition, they proposed that countries that are more developed should provide Mesothelioma information and help educate developing countries in the diagnosis, treatment and management of Mesothelioma cases.
Mesothelioma Information Source: Environmental Health Perspectives - January, 2011